Thursday, January 27, 2011

Learning Profile

In our former humanities class, we were tested on our dominant body parts, in order to find out what kind of a learner we are. We were told to test ourselves to see which of the two hands, foots, eyes and ears were dominant. Later, we were told to figure out what sort of thinker, either a gestalt or logical, we were. In my case, all of my dominant body part were focused on my right side, while only my dominant brain was on the left side, making me a logical thinker. According to the test result, my profile was profile A. We were then each given a sheet of paper to see what we need to do in order to make the learning more efficient.

My profile sheet claims that I will learn best when I focus on details, and synthesize the information I learn. I believe this is quite an accurate result, since this is what I do when it comes to high-level education that are, in most cases, confusing. Since most Korean students are forced to learn math that is at a much higher level that what they can interpret, I do the same, in order to keep up with them, when I go back to Korea. The only difference between me and those people is that I actually understand what I learn, while they mindlessly remember equation, without any idea of what they learn. No matter how long it takes, I solve equations and do whatever that is necessary to fully, or nearly understand the math that I learn. As stated in my profile, I learn in detail and synthesize what I learn.

The profile sheet also states that I need to be away from any factors of stress, in order to see and understand the big picture. I believe this, like other information on the sheet, is also true, since I usually take very, very long to interpret some information when I am stressed, or when there is a distressing stress. On the other hand, I can interpret information quickly when I am calm and when my vicinity is quiet.

The strategies that would help my learning are focusing on the visual and auditory transfer of information. According to my profile sheet, I am able to pick up details of information through eyes and ears even under stress. Since I have a bad temper and is often under stress, this piece of information will be an important one for my education.

One thing that I would like my teachers to know is that I usually have hard time trying to connect to information emotionally and kinesthetically. Sometimes, when teachers ask me to do such things, I just can't seem to do it. It seems to me that my profile is quite accurate, and will help my education. Another thing that I would like my teacher to know is that they should not pair me up with a useless partner, in hopes that I will some how manage to help them get a better grade. Since I do have quite a temper, I easily get stressed when I have no choice but to work with such a partner. According to the Profile sheet that would obstruct me from seeing the whole picture, which means that I won't be as productive when I have to work with a useless partner, and such fact will pull my grade and learning downwards.

In conclusion, the class that was spent on figuring out the learning profile was well spent, seeing how the information on it seems to be fairly accurate. The fact that I should focus on details was true, and so was the fact that I can't see the big picture when under stress. The profile also provided me with some helps in learning, such as a suggestion to focus on visual and auditory learning.

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